My Favorite Pet Elbow Laser Tip

Dr. Laurie is at it again, helping you, whether you are a pet parent or a pet professional with Awesome Tips and Tricks to help Optimize your pets and patients lives.  Watch this video to see Dr. Laurie demonstrating her favorite tip for lasering the elbow. If your pet or patient has elbow issues (call out to all the Labrador Retriever owners -  more elbow dysplasia and arthritis than any other breed) and you want to be able to help them, this video is for you.  Learn how you can help them right at home or in the clinic for Optimum Pain Relief and Healing. 

Ready to learn how to laser with your own pet at home with Dr. Laurie’s At Home! Laser Therapy course but don’t have a laser yet?  Check out the Respond 2400VS and the Spectravet Zeus, both great models for At Home! Laser Therapy. But remember, you don’t have to have a laser to take the course!

Want more information about lasering At Home! Check out 

Want to learn even more about Lasering pets, subscribe to Optimum Pet Vitality's to stay up to date on ways to Optimize your Pet's Life at


Best Exercises For Dogs With Elbow Issues


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